The Secret Rosicrucian Grimoire – From the Golden Rosenkreuzers and Mailander’s Pansophers


A Secret Book Circulated from the Last Chiefs of the Golden Rosenkreuzer’s to Mailander’s Rosicrucian Circle

In this blog post we reveal a never before seen Rosicrucian grimoire (book of magical and theurgical operations). This particular book was given out privately to select members of the Golden Rosenkeruzers of the late 1700’s and was handed down, through generations, until it arrived in the hands of Mailander and his Circle of Pansophers in the late 1800’s. Christine Eike, a regular here at Pansophers, details its contents and sacred operations for the first time ever in English! Christine, a huge thank you from all of us at Pansophers!

Sam Robinson´s previous post: The Golden Rosenkreuzer and Alois Mailander – the Heritage of a Secret Chief introduced a “Rosicrucian Grimoire” to the public that proves a direct line from the old GuRC to a German circle of Mailander’s Pansophers.

But what does the actual grimoire contain? Here is a quick preview before we go into an actual translation:

The grimoire contains seven magical rings.

The grimoire contains several planetary talismans.

And also many magical mirrors for calling the angels.

Most intriguing of all, the grimoire contains actual instructions on how to consecrate idols to the planetary gods and awaken them as sacred sites of worship!

I have examined the contents and found a series of magical operations once privately circulated by the Rosicrucians. The handwriting is German Kurrent, somehow difficult to read as the letters are often small and the resolution of this digitized manuscript is low.

This is what I found out so far, but much remains to be revealed!

The entire book consists of three parts, over 350 pages:

  1. Lux Mundi
  2. Clavicula Salomonis
  3. Magia Divina Salomonis

The largest part is the first Lux Mundi, which we’ll cover here.

The title page, following a picture of a crucified snake (very similar to a picture of a crucified serpent/ alchemical cross, from Uraltes chymisches Werk by Abraham Eleazar, first published in 1734). On the title page it is claimed that Lux Mundi was written “By[1] Eleazar Hacklier, the great Cabbalist in the year of the world 1080, who has described the secrets of the old, as the two books of the Median priest JETHROE (this is Moses’ father-in-law in the Bible, said to have been a priest of Midian. The Medianites are also mentioned throughout the text) and the like secret scripts, from the Arabic, Assyrian and Hebrew, described by him in the Greek language and translated by me into German. Johannes Macarius, Benedictine munch in the year 1495.” 

Now this of course is legend. It is quite interesting because most grimoires are attributed to King Solomon, or some angelic source, or even Moses. This seems to be the only grimoire attributed to the father in law of Moses.

But what of this cabbalist in the year 1080 named Hacklier? No one would have been called that in those days. I do not know why they chose Hacklier, but the name Eleazar probably is chosen because of aforementioned Abraham Eleazar. There is no way that the text is from 1495 either, the language here is not the language of a Benedictine monk at that time. The language points to the 18th century, as also the next page dates the text to 1741. This page also mentions Basil Valentinus (who by the way was said to have been an alchemist of the 15th century and a Canon of the Benedictine Priory of Saint Peter in Erfurt, Germany). Here it also says that this book cannot be given into other hands without a special oath, which one must remember. Date: 4th May 1741. And below that again: Momento mori – remember death

The whole text is written in German handwriting, no Latin there.

Owners of this manuscript

As Sam Robinson elaborated, this manuscript had some very interesting owners. The last one was Alexander von Bernus (Rosicrucian and alchemist), well known in Germany within Rosicrucian circles and the spiritual father of Martin Erler, founder of the Ordo Rosae Aurae. Bernus’ library came to the Badischen Landesbibliothek Karlsruhe in 1968, a place where we find this digitized Grimoire today. Bernus wrote several pencil remarks on several pages. But before him Carl Kiesewetter was the owner, who wrote his name on the inside of the front cover and dated this 1885. Kiesewetter, like von Bernus, was also a student of Mailander.

Before him the owner was Kiesewetter´s great-grandfather Johann Haussen, Leipzig, who placed his owner marks, and name on several pages together with a kind of regular squiggle, dated from 19 Dec 1767 to 30 April 1768. Johann Salomon Haussen, born 1729 in Weissenfels, a mining inspector, who was initiated into the Rosicrucian Order in Amsterdam by Tobias Schulze around 1760. He became Imperator in 1769 and led the activities of the Order until 1792.[2]

Kiesewetter himself stated that Haussen copied out the main contents of the archives and the library of the Order, and this very comprehensive handwritten stock of books is even now in my possession.[3]

Now is this manuscript the original from 1741, or is it the copied exemplar made by Haussen in the years 1767-1768?

Let’s play detectives. In 1917 a certain Dr. phil. Richard Wedel left some manuscripts to the Bayerische Staatsbibliotek. He says that he bought those manuscripts from Kiesewetter’s mother after Carl Kiesewetter´s death. He says that this mother, Berta Kiesewetter, had told him that they stem from her grandfather Haussen who is said to have been the last Grandmaster of a Roscicrucian society. In the beginning of the last century (must be around 1800) the last survivors of this society determined to dissolve it. According to the their statutes the library of the society, which was in the custody of this Grandmaster, was to be burned. Something which Haussen also carried out. But he had before, in an effort lasting for years, made copies of these works. And they are these copies which I now leave to the library [4]. So says Richard Wedel. Kiesewetter’s bequest in this library apparently consists of a lot of alchemy. But also: some of it, after a brief look at it (especially the correspondence between Haussen and Tobias Schulze from 1765-1769 NB.!!) seems very pious. And most important: in these manuscripts from the Bayerische Staatsbibliotek we find exactly the same handwriting as in our Grimoire.

So this Grimoire of ours is the copy made by Johann Salomon Haussen in 1767-1768!

About the text

Throughout the text the old Medianites are mentioned often. But in the text they claim that the whole book was written by God’s hand and given to Adam from Heaven after the fall, and then there are several Biblical persons mentioned subsequently. But Moses and Jethro and the Medianites seem important to be mentioned especially.

The text of this Lux Mundi contains a great deal of alchemy, no doubt about that. But perhaps not quite the way we are used to (not the academic, learned way, but kind of more like some kind of folk tradition perhaps) and it is combined with magic.

The first book writes a lot about alchemy before it starts with the first chapter. Now the impression I get from this introduction to the first chapter of the first book, is that they describe two ways to prepare an elixir. One without any “foreign” ingredients, called the elixir of the wise, or the Cabbalistic elixir or the secret elixir. The other is the spirit of gold that is to be used to transmute metals and for medicine. The preparation of that is described. And they get an astral and an animal elixir.

Now to the book itself: the preface and Index.

The Preface

Talks a lot about that the old ones had a lot of secrets and miracles. Especially Moses, who had both knowledge of the world and the secret knowledge and tradition, Divine and natural knowledge. He was filled with the knowledge of the Medianites, they say. Describing in this book all these most secret things from antiquity and the traditions, to leave that as a message for our children so they can use these secrets during hardships. Jethro, Moses’ father in law was also a priest and owed the most secret sciences as a wise man, which is shown in book 1 and 2. The first book deals with the 7 heights (the German text calls this “Höhen”. Now Höhe can mean highness, but in the Bible they raise symbolically heights for God and idols as a place of veneration). Also with the seven “Höhen” and principalities of the angels. (The Index says this last is book 2). Also with other figures which reveal great secrets and works. In the second book more of the great secrets and works, and how the great medicine can be made in various ways out of metals and minerals (this is book 3 and 4 in the index). The third book (this is book 5 in the index) deals with the most secret tradition of the Hebrew’s secret characters, holy word, as the Cabbala of the Jews. He goes on to say (now Hacklier is supposed to speak) that he has translated those secret traditions into Greek from Hebrew, Arab and Assyrian, so our children who are dispersed in the world, can be helped until the hero comes that will save Israel and gather us again. But he goes on to say not to show this book to pagans/heathens because they would only harass and mock you and make you work as the Egyptians made the children of the highest work, until the Lord led them out (meaning the exodus). Therefore endure in your captivity and be silent, keep these secrets amongst you and your children and keep God’s laws and then Jehova will have mercy with you and gather you again in the land where always milk and honey is. Hacklier – now I think I read “ein verstossener Priester” – a repudiated priest (?)

The Index of these book (as far as possible translated )

The first book deals with the 7 Gods which are magnetically made, with their astral spirits and the soul’s spirit of man, of the 7 metals , according to their influenced.

The 1st chapter deals with the height of Danae (moon goddess) and how this is made (they seem to imply that they are really preparing such an image – I will give you a closer description of the first – the moon image – after the index. They say : if you want to make this god, prepare… you and so on. Later they switch over to say how the Medianites did that.)
The 2nd chapter deals with the height and the image of Mercury and how this is made
The 3rd chapter deals with the height of Venus and how this is made.
The 4th chapter deals with the height of the Sun and how this is prepared.
The 5th chapter deals with the height of Mars and how this is prepared.
The 6th chapter the height of Jupiter and how this is prepared.
The 7th chapter the height of Saturn, how it is prepared.
The 8th chapter: the tables of Iethroe (father in law of Moses) which deal with the magic dry fire of the old ones.
The 9th with the wet fire of the old wise ones.
The 10th about the auxit de tribus (auxit could mean something that is enlarged. de tribus = of the three) and the Arsenicum, Oetrum (?) and Mercur-wine (?)

The second book deals with the sevenfold principalities, grand princes and angels.

The 1st chapter: about the height Danae (of the moon) and the 7 mighty angels and their rulers (princes).
The 2nd chapter: the height of the Mercury with its mighty angels and princes / rulers. The angel of wrath.
The 3rd chapter: the height of Venus with its mighty angels and princes.
The 4th chapter: The height of the Sun with its mighty angels and princes / rulers.
The 5th chapter: the height of mars and its mighty ones.
The 6th chapter: the height of Jupiter and its mighty ones.
The 7th chapter: the height of Saturn and its mighty princes and legions.
The 8th chapter: coelum secundum (the second heaven).
The 9th chapter: Some figures or pyramids of the priest of the Medianites with their preparation.
The 10th chapter deals with the astral fire and essence of the first pyramid.
The 11th chapter deals with the dry fire of the old ones, how this burns gold and silver (shows signs only) as all metals, and transmutes this into an essence or elixir.
The 12th chapter: the 2nd pyramid deals with the essence of the small world and with man: know thyself.
13th chapter: about the essence of the wine.
The 14th chapter On the third pyramid there is dealt with how one should make from salt (sign for salt only) an essence and TR (sign that combines a T and and R beneath the T. This is probably the alchemical sign for tincture).
15th chapter: here is dealt with the Batzlach (
probably from alchemy again) , the mineral salt , and how with it the secret (could also be – not the heimliche / secret – but the himmlische /heavenly) essence is prepared.

The third book

Jethroe deals with the great secrets and medicines (Arzneiungen) and TR (tinctures) or elixirs.

The 1st chapter: how one with the dry fire shall free (??) all metals , as the (sign for Mars, probably here they mean iron)
The 2nd chapter: how one shall free (
?) the gold with the sulfur fire, to separate the clean parts from it.
The 3rd chapter : how one shall   ++++++ (several words I cannot read) the (
sign for Venus, they probably mean Copper here) with the ?? fire and transmute it in a TR (tincture or elixir).

The 4th chapter: how one shall burn Danae (silver) with the sulfur fire so one can separate the three principles from it.
The 5th chapter: how one shall (sign for Saturn = lead) with the sulfur fire and separate the TR – tincture and elixir.
The 6th chapter: how one shall separate from (sign for Jupiter or tin) with the sulfur fire the clean parts.
The 7th chapter: how one from the clean
(+ word I cannot read ??) the elixir of the very old and the old in short and long ways, how also the TR (tincture) of the physics shall be worked out.
The 8th chapter: how one shall use this TR (tincture) or elixir in medicine.

The fourth book deals with how one with the secret (sign for salt and fire) from which the metals with the (sign for sulfur) are brought back , shall ?? and the three principles separate from it.

The 1st chapter: how one shall separate the three principles from the (sign for Saturn or lead)
The 2nd chapter: how one shall separate the clean principles from the (sign for Sun or gold)
The 3rd chapter: how one shall separate the three principles from the (sign for Mars or iron)
The 4th chapter: how one shall separate the three principles from then Dna (Danae – moon – silver)
The 5th chapter: how one shall separate the three principles from the (sign for Venus or Copper)
The 6th chapter: how one shall separate the three principles from the (sign for Jupiter or tin)
The 7th chapter: how one shall transmute (change) this into an essence and an elixir.
The 8th chapter: how one shall prepare en essence and spirit from these three principles.
The 9th chapter: how one shall bring back this gold (as a sign) with a M?? + ?? (sign for Mars – iron) and change it into a marcasite (
Latin marchasita come from the Arabian and meant flint – a stone that could produce sparks of fire when used) and how this is brought back in 7 ways through the ???, to separate its principles.
The 10th chapter: how the DNa (moon – silver) is brought back into a marcasite that one afterwards can separate the three principles from it.
The 11th chapter: how one brings back the (sign for Mars – iron) into a marcasite to separate the three principles from it.
The 12th chapter: how one shall bring back the (sign for Venus – copper) into a marcasite to separate the three principles.
The 13th chapter: how one from the (sign for Jupiter – tin), when this is brought back into a marcasite, separates the three principles from it.
The 14th chapter: how one changes the (sign for Saturn – lead) into a marcasite to separate the three principles from it.
The 15th chapter: how Moses found the golden
??? through burning with the (sign for salt and fire), the pure nature of it to be used as a medicine by the children of Israel in their contagious(?) sicknesses.
The 16th chapter deals with how Moses prepared the metal serpent / snake according to the above influence from the seven metals.

The fifth book (starts on page 167 old pagination, 70 pencil pagination) deals with the secrets of the old Hebrews and their characters and holy words and their preparation, which they used in their calamities, from their secret tradition and cabbala.

The sixth book (NB: this book is totally missing)
of the Monk Macarius of the Benedictine Order
In the year 1495

Now this monk Johannes Macarius claims that he found the book Lux Mundi, during one of his pilgrimages, in the Vatican in Rome!


These seven “heights” – Höhen – are described. Höhe could also mean place for veneration. I have looked a bit closer at the MOON. The first chapter – it says – deals with the height of Luna and how this is prepared. They go on to say: make a form after the following figure and cast an image out of the electrum (means probably just some kind of metal), as prescribed, and then when the moon is full in the Dnae (Danae) accompanied by the following prayer: I beg you, holy angel Gabriel and your good angels to fulfill this secret word, that those who use it become whole and healthy, and also open all the miracles and power contained in your Tetragrammaton, to the honor of God my creator. And this prayer is to be spoken with a pure heart with all the figures, and the angel’s name must be called with it. When this is finished, the figure is placed at a river by the water and filled with water from above, when the moon is full. Then make a fire under it. When the water begins to get hot, then the earth fills it with ice and snow, which happens in the winter (not sure if I read this correctly), especially in the middle of the sun. One brings to this image all herbs that have their origin in the Dde (moon-goddess), this makes healthy without a medicine when one gives somebody to drink from this ice and snow water — (then a few sentences are hard to read for me).

Then they change over to say that this was used by the priests to fill the people with awe and devotion. But this turned into a misuse when they fell away (declined) the true God.

Now the “height” of Mercury starts somehow the same. It seems that one is meant to really prepare that in a certain way, but when they come to place this figure, they change to say that this was done so by the old priests. There they mention a meadow (not a river), they mention a heated water too, plus some dancing and jumping. Sweat is mentioned, flowers and leaves etc. to charge and consecrate this god.

To the pyramids

Somewhere in the text they say that they want to show that this is a very old tradition, going back to Moses´ father-in-law Ietzro and the priests of the Medianites. So I am sure they just invented these cryptic letters found on the pyramids to make it seem is was the language of the Medianites. Probably they name these pyramids for the same purpose. These cryptic letters seem to get explained – written also in normal writings – in the text itself following each pyramid.

The first picture of a pyramid is on page 18 (pencil numbering – inverse 18). This is chapter 8 in the first book, right after Saturn.

In the text to chapter 8 they say: the tables of Itzroe which deal with the magical dry fire of the old ones. Then on page 20 – inverse – they go on to talk about the other side of this same pyramid. There they say: deals with the wet fire of the old ones. Title: the other side of the pyramid AND picture. So this picture is just meant to show the other side of the same pyramid as on page 18.

On page 35 is the next picture of a pyramid. That is book 2 chapter 9. There they say: chapter 9 deals with some figures or pyramids of the Medianite priest and their meaning. Then they go on to describe what they call first pyramid. Chapter 10 they say deals with the astral fire and essence of the first pyramid. Chapter 11 they say (same book 2) deals with the dry fire the old ones and how this burns gold and silver and all metals and transmute this into an essence or elixir. Then the text goes on it say: on the other side of the pyramid there stood according to the explanation of Hacklier the following .. there there seems no picture combined with it. Only text.

Page 41 is a picture of what they call the second pyramid (but – as you notice – there is a pyramid – described with both sides – BEFORE the pyramid they call the first). The second pyramid deals with the essence of the small world and of man: know thyself. The 13th chapter describes the other side of this same pyramid. it says it deals with the essence of wine (Weins – not sure if I read correct). No picture there of this other side – just a description.

Now chapter 14 and what they call the third pyramid. On the third pyramid it is dealt with how one should make an essence from (sign for salt) and (sign that combines a T And R) Picture of this other side on page 46.

Then in chapter 15 is just described the other side of this – what they call third pyramid. Here – they say – is dealt with the Batzlach, the mineral salt , and how with it the secret (heavenly) essence is prepared.

Now this is just a taste of what this manuscript is about. It consists of 180 pencil-paginated pages (they are double pages – so 360 pages really) and has some stunning illustrations. But – as said – the handwriting is challenging. But if anyone feels that this text is worth a closer look, you are welcome to explore the manuscript in the Badischen Landesbibliothek Karlsruhe [5]. And please tell us of your own findings as well.

Christine Eike
Norway 11.03.2019


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*Cover artwork by Stephen Murtaugh and copyright!

[1] Quotations or direct translations in italics

[2] Schrødter, Willy: A Rosicrucian Notebook, 1992 p. Xvii footnote 13

[3] Ibid





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